Vendor Application
One Vendor: $350 | Two Vendors: $700 | Artist: $175
No spaces will be reserved by submitting this application alone. Submission of an application does not guarantee approval.
The Details
Missouri Anime Fest is a two-day event bringing together a diverse list of guests, vendors, artists, and fan groups, in an affordable, family-friendly environment.
Vendor/artist booths will be located in the main building (unless otherwise notified). Dealer space is 10′ x 10′ and artist space is 5′ x 10′. Each space comes with one table, two chairs, and two passes. Additional passes, tables, electricity, etc. will be available for purchase at setup. You may also use your own tables, chairs, grid wall, or unique setup, so long as it remains within the boundaries of your allotted space.
Vendor Booth Pricing – 10’ x 10’ space
One vendor space – $350
Two vendor spaces – $700
Each space comes with one table, two chairs, and two passes.
Artist Booth Pricing – 5’ x 10’ space
One artist space – $175
Each space comes with one table, two chairs, and two passes.
Friday, TBD
Saturday, TBD
Sunday, TBD
Show Time:
Saturday, TBD
Sunday, TBD
Sunday, TBD
You will only be able to purchase a booth once receiving an invoice from us, after approval.
Please review the following rules and regulations governing our conventions, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeremy at
By signing and returning this electronic application, you confirm that you have read the following and agree to, and comply with, all rules, regulations, specifications, and submissions, incorporated herein, in their entirety.
No spaces will be reserved by submitting this application alone. Submission of an application does not guarantee approval.
You will receive two vendor badges/passes for each space purchased. You may also purchase two extra badges during setup (to be used only by those working with you at your booth). These are limited to two additional per show, per vendor. Dealer badges must be worn at all times by any person working a booth. Badges may not be sold, loaned, or otherwise transferred to persons who are not working for you.
For the purposes of this contract, the term vendor shall apply to those with a vendor, artist, or any other booth space on the exhibit floor or within the confines of the building itself.
1. Please check-in at Vendor Services when you first arrive on the premises so that we may show you the fastest/easiest way to load in, inform you of your exact booth location, and supply you with your vendor packet.
2. Displays will not extend beyond the boundaries of the space that is paid for and provided or into the aisle in front of tables. Vendors shall store all boxes and extra stock under tables or in vehicles and out of the customer’s eye view. Aisles and public floor areas MAY NOT have product(s) racks, displays or boxes in/on them. You may not occupy any area outside your rented space or table.
3. Table locations are to be determined by VXV Events, LLC, and we will not be able to guarantee their locations.
4. Vendor agrees to keep area clean and is responsible for any damage caused to the facility. Vendors will dispose of all garbage, boxes, etc. at load out time. Vendor agrees to remove all materials and decorations from booth and agrees to return space back to the same condition as it was received.
5. All vendor/exhibitor tables, and their spaces, must remain intact throughout the entire show. Vendors shall not shut down, dismantle, and/or remove booth exhibit sooner than at closing of show, without express permission of promoters. Doing so will jeopardize the opportunity to participate in future events with VXV Events, LLC. If future spaces have been paid for, they also will be forfeited without refund and become the property of VXV Events, LLC to do as VXV Events, LLC deems fit.
6. All vendor/exhibitor booths, and their respective spaces, must be staffed at all times. Vendors are responsible for opening on time. Vendors will be notified of the opening and closing times by the promoter. In the event that a vendor does not occupy assigned space within one hour before the opening of the event, VXV Events, LLC reserves the right to sell or use space without refund or obligation to the original vendor.
7. All tables must be covered. Covers must meet the floor if storage is placed underneath tables.
8. All extension cord usage must be of commercial 3 prong grade. All extension cords and power strips must be 3 prong only. PLEASE BRING GAFFER TAPE WITH YOU TO TAPE DOWN YOUR EXTENSION CORD AND OR POWER STRIP. If you do not have these items with you, we may not be able to give you electric service.
9. Spaces may not be shared or sublet unless prior authorization is given by VXV Events, LLC. Please do not add or make significant changes to the products listed on your application. We use this information to provide a diverse vending experience for our attendees. If your show day booth contains items significantly different than what was listed on your application, you may be subject to forfeiture of booth space, without refund.
10. Children of vendors must behave and not be disruptive to customers and/or other vendors. All children must remain in the presence of adult supervision. Children under 18 years of age may not man booths without an adult present.
11. Audible displays or sounds are permitted but must be maintained at an approved acceptable sound level. Music must be played at a level only for the vendor to hear. Publicly played music (that which the attendees can clearly hear) must have a public performance license by the vendor to be legal.
12. VXV Events, LLC accepts no responsibility for any merchandise sold at the show. This responsibility, including the legalities and/or necessary rights, rests solely in the hands of the vendor.
13. Vendor is responsible for all taxes and licenses required to sell by the state, county, and/or parish and the reporting of said taxes. VXV Events, LLC will not be held responsible for vendors’ failure to collect, report, and submit sales tax charges. Failure to submit taxes will result in a permanent ban from all VXV Events, LLC events, forfeiture of any prepaid booth fees due to us having to pay the taxes, as well as reporting to appropriate authorities.
14. All vendors agree to hold blameless VXV Events, LLC and all its staff members, workers, and show venue entities, employees and agents, against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims, or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss, or theft due to said vendor’s participation.
15. All vendors acknowledge that VXV Events, LLC and all its staff members, workers, and show venue entities, employees and agents, will not provide or maintain insurance coverage for vendors’ persons or property, and it is their sole responsibility to obtain insurance coverage for such loss.
16. VXV Events, LLC in no way endorses any vendor’s merchandise, exhibits, views, beliefs, or actions. All vendors are deemed to be their own business/entity and in no way reflect on VXV Events, LLC in any way. Vendors do not represent VXV Events, LLC and VXV Events, LLC is to be held blameless against any and all merchandise bought, sold, or brought on the premises.
17. We reserve the right to refuse to allow displays or merchandise that is pornographic, extremely violent, contains graphic nudity, shows drug paraphernalia, or are weapons of any kind. This is an all-ages, family event and will be treated as such.
18. Vendor items such as swords (and anythng similar) must be zip tied down preventing attendees from picking them up and/or brandishing them. Swords and other similar items (after purchase) must be boxed up and the vendor must advise the purchaser to immediately take the item outside the building for safety. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in forfeiture of booth space and removal from the show without refund. Show security/police may at any time approach vendor regarding these rules. Local law enforcement ruling supersedes any rules set forth by VXV Events, LLC.
19. All merchandise bought or sold at our conventions is done strictly between vendors and attendees. VXV Events, LLC is not party to any transactions made between said parties. Any concerns about bootleg merchandise must be addressed with the IP/copyrights holder themselves as VXV Events, LLC holds no legal responsibility in regards to said matters.
20. The vendor will be held responsible for any damage done to their area.
21. All vehicles used for loading and unloading must be removed from the loading area as quickly as possible so as not to obstruct traffic, block fire zone or delay other exhibitors in their unloading and set-up efforts. Vendors’ vehicles need to be insured and the owner/policyholder is responsible for any damage to the facility and/or any other vehicles.
22. The vendor realizes that guests are subject to last-minute changes in schedule and may cancel. Vendor understands that once a dealer space is paid for, no money or credit will be issued or refunded, even if the vendor is unable to attend the show. NO REFUNDS, NO EXCEPTIONS.
23. There will be no smoking/vaping in the facility and all dealers must comply with all state, fire, and safety laws.
24. Vendor agrees that upon purchase of space, VXV Events, LLC may promote events at any physical location owned by the vendor or its parent company (for one year from signing the contract), in mutually agreed-upon locations within premises.
25. Vendor agrees to follow all rules and regulations of the promoter, staff, and venue (and its management) at all times. Promoter reserves the right to terminate this agreement if rules are not followed – with no refunds at any time for any reason.
26. VXV Events, LLC reserves the right to change, alter, or revise the rules and regulations as it deems necessary.
– Once approved, you will have one week from the time of approval to purchase your space. An invoice will be sent to you upon approval.
– No spaces will be given without full payment and a signed contract. No spaces will be reserved by application alone. Submission of an application does not guarantee space.
– Once approved, send us high quality, representative images of your setup and what you will be selling, along with a bio of your company, so that we can publicize your attendance on social media and our website. Failure to do so makes it much more difficult to promote your attendance at the event.
– Two passes are provided for each space purchased. If additional passes are required, they will be provided at a vendor discount rate – limited to two additional passes per exhibitor. Additional Vendor Badges will only be available the day before each show. Once the show opens they will not be available, so please make sure to have all the passes you need before that time.
No spaces will be reserved by submitting this application alone. Submission of an application does not guarantee approval.